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Monday, June 30, 2014

Continuing The Legacy!

This story starts back in the Spring of 2012.
It was time to start looking at college opportunities, college majors and career options.
Several college visits were done and several major choices were on the table.

Fast forward to the Fall of 2013.
Applications to said colleges were completed and sent.
Acceptance, by the top two colleges of choice, were delivered.
In January 2014, after a long talk with The Big Kids, the decision, as to which college to attend, was made.

Both colleges were top colleges with awesome opportunities. 
One college offered a very specialized major and degree.
The other offered a much larger range of options with a scholarship attached.
In today's industry and economy, one needs to have options.

Drewman is gonna be a Cowboy!
Yes, The Big Boy was an Oklahoma State Cowboy too.

The boys do their best to be their own person.
They don't like to follow each other or even be compared, one to the other.
They want to be noted as their own individual and not be labeled the Big or Little Brother.

Moving forward to the spring of 2014.
Drewman decides he wants to check out Greek Discovery Day at OSU.
Flower Boy, Drewman and I attend.
This was a very long day.
Parents went one way and students another.
Drewman toured houses, got to know the campus and met new friends.
While Flower Boy and I attended a parents session and hung out.

Shortly after Drewman graduated high school, in May, his phone started ringing with requests to meet with fraternities.

Let the rush process begin!

A few weeks ago, Drewman attended a rush event, from the fraternity he felt was the best fit for him.
Before leaving the event, Drewman received the invitation to sign with said fraternity!
 Again, The Big Boy was an AGR.

Drewman did not choose to be an AGR because of his brother.
Drewman was not accepted into the AGR Fraternity solely because he was a legacy.
Drewman was accepted into the AGR Fraternity because of who HE is, what HE stands for and HIS values.

The Big Boy was very careful to guide and direct, but not push, Drewman to choose because HE was an AGR Alumni.
The Big Boy wanted Drewman to choose a fraternity for HIMself.

Saturday, Drewman dressed in his best and headed out the door.
Signing with the 2014 Pledge Class of the Pi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho at Oklahoma State University!
Continuing The Legacy!

Drewman is excited to start this new chapter of his life.
He moves into the house on August 13th.
He can't wait to meet his AGR Big Brother, hang with his pledge brothers and go on "Coke Dates"!

Proud AGR Momma!  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Eat Your Veggies - Farmers Market in the Inner City

I told you last week, I would tell you about YoYoYoMoo and Mr. Moo's amazing pepper flake spice.
Plans changed.
I  have been in the big city of Baltimore, Maryland this week for a work conference.
I didn't think to upload photos for blogging.
Lucky for you (and me), I happened onto an inner city Farmer's Market today!
I cannot tell you how excited I was to see this sign!
I seriously miss the noises and smell of the country and the ranch.
Not to mention, I miss Flower Boy and Drewman.
Although, I am loving the Inner Harbor and the food here.
The big city is much different than rural Oklahoma.
Much like the Farmer's Markets in our local area, this inner city market had a large variety of vendors.
Produce vendors are the main attraction to most farmers markets.
This inner city market did not disappoint!
 The aromas coming off these veggies are those of complete "fresh picked"!
This booth has paired with a local café to prepare a salad menu, as well as sell their fresh veggies and greens.

I had a really nice chat with Russ of Shlagel Farms.
I only wish I would have had more time to spend with him, learning about the farm and the Farmer's Market processes here.
Russ was one of those vendors that provides the customers with education materials.
He gave me a Shlagel Farms flyer loaded with information about the farm, their history and the products they sell. 
 This is what pulled me to Russ's booth!
The EGGs!
 Being the CEW (Chief Egg Washer) at Drew's EGGcelent EGGs, anything with chickens or eggs draw me in for a visit.
Just look at the size of these leeks and beets!
And these greens!
 One could make one heck of a MOOdy Acres Breakfast with those!
We don't have broccoli at our local Farmer's Market, but we do have the squash.
 I wished I could have purchased some veggies and brought them home.
I had to settle for the marvelous blueberries, instead.
I have snacked on them all afternoon.
So Very Fresh!
There are also local bakers, canned items/jellies, meat and flower vendors, as well as  food vendors, at this Inner City Farmer's Market.
They also had entertainment from local artists!
There were several folks seated under the umbrellas enjoying their day.
If you haven't visited a Farmer's Market, you should search your area and check it out!
What a wonderful place to gather, eat lunch and buy your veggies for the week!
Such an educational place!
XOXO from the Big City,
Rancher Girl
PS, Don't forget to #EatYourVeggies

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Views From Baltimore

Friday, June 20, 2014

Did You See It?

It all started while we were at the pens.
Flower Boy was trying to do some work, but I couldn't take my eyes off the sky.
 It looked like a storm was trying to build out west.

 Maybe some rain falling.
But diffidently a storm building.
 Or not...
Well... Maybe!
 Then again, no.
It's breaking up?
Yep, it's gone!
 I really think Flower Boy got a bit frustrated with me, because I couldn't focus on the work needing done.

Then, when we got back to the house, there was this!
 Is the sky on fire?


Did you see it?
What was the sky like in your neck of the woods last evening?

Rancher Girl